迪士尼和皮克斯的動畫電影《Turning Red》奖励优惠

在迪士尼和皮克斯的動畫電影《Turning Red》中,自信、呆萌的 13 歲女孩Mei 必須在做一名孝順的女兒與青春期的混亂之間取得平衡。她那個略顯霸道的媽媽總是在她身邊。而且,彷彿青春期所要經歷的興趣、人際關係和身體的變化還不夠多,當 Mei 特別興奮時,就會「噗」地一聲變成一隻紅色的大貓熊!奧斯卡金像獎得主Shi(皮克斯動畫短片《包子》(Bao) 的導演): 「我真的很想探討一名青春期少女的衝突,看她在做一個好女兒與接納真實混亂的自己之間有多麼糾結。」

製片人Lindsey Collins 表示,「這是一個關於改變和過渡時刻的成長故事。」「它關於我們在生命中,試圖弄清自己是誰的那段時間。我們的主角在家人和朋友之間左右為難,發現自己根本不是她認為的那樣。而她的媽媽,看到自己的女兒突然對奇怪的音樂和男孩感興趣,在掙扎著學著放手,好讓自己的女兒實現自我。這是一個常見的主題,無論你是家長還是孩子,還是兼任兩種角色。」

Ming Lee是一位自豪的妻子、盡職的母親,同時也是在多倫多唐人街李氏宗祠辛勤工作的管理員。

無論何時,她都舉止優雅,泰然自若,認真對待自己的工作——但更專注於照顧她的寶貝女兒Meilin。毫無疑問,Ming Lee激烈、固執、風趣、控制慾強,而且像Mei經常說的那樣,她對家人的愛總是溢於言表。導演Shi表示,「Ming Lee這個角色匯集了我見過的所有強大而出色的亞洲女性的特點。」「她有時很嚴厲,但她做的所有瘋狂的事情都是出於對女兒的愛。」

Bonus Features*

        Audio Commentary View the film with audio commentary by director Domee Shi, producer Lindsey Collins, and director of photography Mahyar Abousaeedi.


        Life of a Shot Domee Shi and members of the crew describe the many-layered process and artistry involved in creating the hilarious Red Peony scene – from observing red pandas in a zoo to creating a storyboard to finalizing the animation and background lighting.

        Build Your Own Boy Band Step backstage to learn how 4*TOWN came to animated life. From creating each band member’s persona to writing and producing the songs to fine-tuning the details of their stadium performance, the filmmakers reveal how they designed the ultimate boy band.

        Ani-Mei-Tion Because Mei’s heightened emotionality is central to the story, it was important that her look and movement reflect that energy. Learn how Domee Shi led the animation team to incorporate hints of expressive anime to create Mei’s lovable, dynamic character.

        Deleted Scenes

        Deleted Scenes Introduction Director Domee Shi introduces scenes not included in the final version of Turning Red.

        Intro Meilin In this alternate opening, Ming and young Mei have their portrait taken in a studio…but Ming has her own specific vision for the photo.

        Taming The Panda Under her mother’s guidance, Mei learns techniques to control her ability to magically turn into a red panda…to varying degrees of success.

        The Debate Mei runs for class president against frenemy Tyler, and the speeches get a little out of hand.

        Fei And Christina Hang Mei (formerly Fei) shares a banana split while having a heart-to-heart with Aunt Christina.

        4*TOWN Dilemma Mei scores tickets to her dream concert, but her strict mother won’t let her out of the house. What will she do?

        Roping In Leo Pleading with Leo for help with getting out of trouble, Mei learns a couple of his closely guarded secrets.

        Easter Egg – Robutton Deleted Scene An alternate ending in which Mei, finding herself sitting next to her 4*TOWN dream-idol Robaire on a flight to California, has some feelings.


*bonus features vary by product and retailer


