駐芝加哥臺北經濟文化辦事處於本(10)月7日晚間在歷史悠久的芝加哥合眾俱樂部舉辦中華民國111年國慶酒會。伊利諾州州議會「友台連線」共同主席William Davis州眾議員、伊州州眾議員Deanne Mazzochi、芝加哥市議會「友台連線」準共同主席Michael Rodriguez、華埠所在之第11區芝加哥市議員李惠華(Nicole Lee)、Westmont市市長Ron Gunter及美國「海關暨邊境保護局」(CBP)中西部總長LaFonda D Sutton-Burke等,逾300位政商僑學界貴賓齊聚祝賀我國國慶。
俄亥俄州聯邦眾議員Tim Ryan、威斯康辛州聯邦眾議員Tom Tiffany、愛荷華州聯邦眾議員Randy Feenstra、印第安納州長 Eric Holcomb、伊利諾州州參議院全體成員、俄州州議會「友台連線」全體共同主席、伊州州參議員Dale Fowler、俄州州參議院多數黨黨鞭Rob McColley、州眾議員Mike Loychik及伊州庫克郡財長Maria Pappas等致函慶賀;俄亥俄州州眾議會另以通過決議方式,為中華民國111年國慶獻上祝賀。
The reception in honor of the 111th National Day of the Republic of China (Taiwan) was hosted by Director General Johnson Chiang of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago on October 7th at the historic Chicago Union League Club.
At the reception, Illinois State Representative William Davis, Co-Chair of Taiwan Friendship Caucus, Representative Deanne Mazzochi, Chicago Alderman Michael Rodriguez, Alderwoman Nicole Lee, Westmont Mayor Ron Gunter, Director LaFonda Sutton-Burke of the CBP Chicago Field office, along with more than 300 guests joined together to offer their congratulations and celebrate our common values of democracy and freedom.
Congressman Tim Ryan (D-OH), Congressman Tom Tiffany (R-WI), Congressman Randy Feenstra (R-IA), Governor Eric Holcomb of the State of Indiana, Illinois Senate, Co-Chairs of the Ohio state legislature Taiwan Friendship Caucus, Illinois state Senator Dale Fowler, Ohio state Senate majority whip Rob McColley, Ohio state Representative Mike Loychik and Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas expressed their support of Taiwan democracy through congratulatory letters. In addition, the Ohio House of Representatives passed a commendation to congratulate the 111th National Day of R.O.C. (Taiwan).
Director General Chiang appreciates the great friendship from the Midwest to support stronger ties with Taiwan. Over the past year, state legislature Taiwan Friendship Caucus of all the 7 Midwest states were established, reinforcing the Taiwan-US relations at the state level. Last month, the “Taiwan Agricultural Trade Goodwill Mission” just visited Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois to sign Letters of Intent with a total value of 2.6 billion of soybean and corn. Our office will continue to enhance the strong partnership based on common values between Taiwan and the US Midwest.
1、駐芝加哥辦事處姜總領事森夫婦(左4、左3)、伊利諾州州議會「友台連線」共同主席William Davis州眾議員(右1)、伊州州眾議員Deanne Mazzochi(中)、芝加哥市議會「友台連線」準共同主席Michael Rodriguez(左2)、華埠所在之芝加哥市議員李惠華(Nicole Lee,右3)、美國「海關暨邊境保護局」(CBP)中西部總長LaFonda D. Sutton-Burke(左1)、Westmont市市長Ron Gunter(右2)及芝加哥中華會館伍健生主席(右4)一同出席駐芝加哥辦事處中華民國111年國慶酒會。
2. 伊利諾州州議會「友台連線」共同主席William Davis州眾議員(左上)、伊州州眾議員Deanne Mazzochi(右上)、芝加哥市議會「友台連線」準共同主席Michael Rodriguez(左下)、芝加哥市議員李惠華(Nicole Lee,右下)共同祝賀中華民國生日快樂。
3. 駐芝加哥辦事處姜總領事森致詞。
4. 致詞貴賓同台祝酒,共慶中華民國111年國慶。
5. 國慶酒會會場逾300人出席與會,場面熱鬧盛大。
6. 國慶酒會所有嘉賓起立聆賞美國國歌及中華民國國歌,場面莊重肅穆。
7. 主修聲樂的印第安納大學音樂所博士班田以安同學搭配鋼琴古昌平同學,現場獻唱美國國歌及中華民國國歌。
8. (左起)就讀印第安納大學的小提琴手李宥鋅、小提琴手吳儬雯、大提琴手朱芷儀及中提琴手陳玟瑜為大家帶來弦樂四重奏表演。
9. 印第安納大學Jacobs音樂學院教授戴汎芬老師為嘉賓帶來豎琴演奏。