文章来源: 自由时报
Reminder: Ivanka Trump is not a federal employee. She’s only a presidential adviser, with no claim to a seat at the Inauguration for her role.
She’s Trump’s daughter, but he canceled. Protocol dictates that if he no-shows, she must, too.
Don’t seat her.https://t.co/TBPSbXMFTG
— Monty Hamilton’s Battery Boa (@MontyBoa99) January 11, 2021
美国总统当选人拜登(Joe Biden)的就职典礼将于下周三举行。现任总统川普(Donald Trump)已表态不出席。近日有外媒报导川普女儿伊凡卡(Ivanka Trump)可能为挽回自身政治生涯,计划参与拜登就职。不过,另有白宫官员透过媒体驳斥传闻。
报导指出,川普日前宣布不出席拜登就职典礼后,拜登曾回应“是好事”、“是少数我和他意见一致的事”,不过他欢迎现任副总统彭斯(Mike Pence)参加,“我们会很荣幸”,白宫官员则透露彭斯决定出席。