他的名字叫Joshua Eng,今年14歲。最後一次見到他穿著了藍色的Polo校服與今天早上在36街與Normal交界徒步去學校的路上,但最終并未到達學校。他的學校Ward位於27街與Shields交界處。報案號碼JB296939。他有可能去了中國城。若任何人見到他的行蹤請撥打911.
Missing Child
His name is Joshua Eng and is 14 years old. He was last seen wearing a blue polo uniform at 36th and Normal walking to school this morning but never arrived. He goes to Ward School on 27th and Shields. Report number under JB296939. He may have gone into Chinatown. If anyone sees him call 911.