芝加哥已冷成“芝伯利亚” 网民晒各种冻成狗的影像(视频)

文章来源: 联合新闻


The New York Times


The Midwest will be colder than parts of Antarctica this week. Homeless people in Chicago are bracing: “I’m cold and I’m afraid.” https://nyti.ms/2G9XTqc 

A man sat at the corner of Michigan Avenue and Wacker Drive in Chicago on Tuesday as temperatures fell.

‘I’m Cold and I’m Afraid’: Across Midwest, Homeless Await Deep Freeze

As health officials issued warnings about the dangers of frostbite and hypothermia, homeless people in the Midwest faced potentially devastating circumstances.



最强北极寒流“极地涡旋”(Polar Vortex)30日发威,美国中西部各州城市因酷寒停摆,芝加哥居民上网分享各种天寒地冻的影像,还将芝加哥与西伯利亚二词结合,戏称自己住在“芝伯利亚”(#Chiberia)!


因为天寒地冻,芝加哥的公路难得不壅塞,照常发车的公共汽车、地铁与通勤电车门可罗雀。餐厅、商店与知名观光景点歇业,两座主要机场取消超过1500个航班,美国国铁(Amtrak)全部班次停开,市长易曼纽(Rahm Emanuel)已呼吁市民尽可能不要外出。

除芝加哥外,北达科塔州格兰福克斯(Grand Forks, ND)测得摄氏零下54度的极低温。中西部各州停班停课,向来习惯冬季恶劣天气的居民都留在家中,还有人通报疑似是霜震(frost quake)的神秘压碎声。医院可见民众因冻疮或低温相关疾病求诊,监狱取消受刑人的家属会见。为避免啤酒在运输过程结冻,制造商决定推迟出货。农民采取各种措施保护乳牛、幼犊与各种牲口,还为家禽盖起冰屋,动保团体则建议饲主将宠物带进家中。



Charles Croucher


How cold is it in Chicago at the moment….?

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ABC News


As Chicago battles brutal cold, gas-fired switch heaters on the train rails keep the ice and snow off the switches: https://abcn.ws/2DJ99Iw 

Chicago Tribune


Cold enough in Chicago to freeze-fry an egg? This and other wacky experiments while you hibernate: https://trib.al/fBk74jK 

Chicago Tribune


Cold enough in Chicago to freeze-fry an egg? This and other wacky experiments while you hibernate: https://trib.al/fBk74jK 

Ravi S. Kudesia@rskudesia

Okay, so I asked my cousins in whether it was really as cold as people are saying with boiling water instantly turning to snow. Apparently it is 😮



Update: it’s still cold in Chicago 🥶

Watch how fast this water freezes on the glass

Anthony Garcia@TiggyTime

Update: It’s still stupid cold in Chicago
